
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaau3
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
to teach; to instruct; to educate; to coach
(Cant.) 教書gaau3 syu1
(Eng.) to teach at a school
(Cant.) 教仔gaau3 zai2
(Eng.) to parent a kid
(Cant.) gaau3waai6sai3lou6
(Eng.) to set a bad example for the kids
(Cant.) can4sin1saang1soeng6nin2dou1jau5gaau3gwo3ngo5
(Eng.) Mr. Chan also taught me last year.
(Cant.) ngo5hai2zung1hok6gaau3jing1man2
(Eng.) I teach English at a secondary school.
(Cant.) keoi5gaau3sik1ngo5dim2caai2daan1ce1
(Eng.) He taught me how to ride a bike.
(Cant.) di1aa3baa4aa3maa1dou1m4zi1dim2gaau3gaa3
(Eng.) Those parents have no clue how to raise their kid!
See also: 輔導 訓練 執教 旅遊巴 傳授 講授 教會 授 誨 指導 吩咐 教授
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: gaau3
Part of Speech: noun
religion (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) 基督教gei1 duk1 gaau3
(Eng.) Christianity
(Cant.) 信教seon3 gaau3
(Eng.) to have a faith
(Cant.) nei5jau5mou5seon3me1gaau3gaa3
(Eng.) Do you have some kind of faith?
(Cant.) keoi5go3gaau3m4zeon2fan1cin4sing3hang4wai4ge3
(Eng.) Her religion doesn't allow her to have sex before marriage.
See also: 國教 宗教
Copyrights:© 2017 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License