
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gau3 bing1
Character Meaning:
to save; to rescue; to stop; to deter; to change; to improve
soldier; army; troops
Part of Speech: noun
troops that rescue people from a bad situation; person that saves you from a crisis (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) cyun4kaau3jau5nei5ji1go3gau3bing1m4hai6ge3waa2ngo5jat1ding6gaau1m4cit3ji1pin1man2
(Eng.) It is you who saves my grade. If it wasn't you, I couldn't have submitted this essay on time.
See also: 先頭部隊 援兵 操兵 救駕 潰不成軍 爭分奪秒 衝鋒陷陣 雜牌軍 雷霆萬鈞 鳴金收兵 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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