
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fong3 hei3
Character Meaning:
to put; to release; bold; unbridled; free; uninhibited; to place; to let go; to have; to go through; to walk one's pet; to graze; to emit; to expose; to sell
to give up; to throw away; to abandon
Part of Speech: verb
to give up; to abandon
(Cant.) fong3hei3kyun4lei6
(Eng.) to give up one's rights
(Cant.) zou6je5jiu3有頭有尾jau5 tau4 jau5 mei5cin1kei4m4hou2zung1tou4fong3hei3
(Eng.) You should do your work from beginning to end and never give up halfway through.
(Cant.) ngo5soeng2fong3hei3zi6gei2
(Eng.) I want to give up on myself.
(Cant.) nei5dim2ho2ji5fong3hei3ni1go3gam3bou2gwai3ge3gei1wui6gaa3
(Eng.) How can you miss out on such a precious opportunity?
Synonym: Synonym: 心息
See also: 荒廢 拋棄 丟棄 棄 遺棄 一走了之 前功盡棄 拋棄 捨棄 收回成命 改轅易轍 放手一搏 棄暗投明 豁出去 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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