
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baai2 ming4
Character Meaning:
put; to put; to place; to display; to show; to sway; to wave; to wag; from Hakka
to understand; bright; coming; next; clear; explicit; blatantly; unabashedly; the Ming Dynasty
Part of Speech: adverb
  • to show somebody's feeling or attitude without concealment; unabashedly
    (Cant.) zing3fu2baai2ming4m4zip3sau6ni1go3fong1on3
    (Eng.) The government is evidently opposed to this proposal.
    (Cant.) 佢哋擺明玩嘢啦。
    (Eng.) They're obviously and unabashedly playing games on you.

  • obvious, plain to see
    (Cant.) go3daap3on3baai2ming4co3laa1sei3sing4luk6dim2wui5hai6daan1sou3aa3
    (Eng.) The answer is obviously wrong, how could you get an odd number from 4 times 6?

Synonym: Synonym: 分明 擺到明
See also: 分明 打正旗號 屈得就屈 捉蟲入屎忽 明串 明刀明槍 明屈 明目張膽 明知故犯 老老實實 賊喊捉賊 輸打贏要 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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