
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lou1 faan6
Character Meaning:
to pull out; to mix; to scoop up; to lift; to mix and stir; to blend; to make a living; to drift along
meal; cooked rice; stupid; idiot
Part of Speech: verb
to eat plain rice mixed with sauce, lard or spice
(Cant.) si6jau4lou1faan6
(Eng.) to eat rice by adding soy sauce
(Cant.) zyu1jau4lou1faan6
(Eng.) to eat rice by adding lard
(Cant.) 電視汁撈飯din6 si6 zap1 lou1 faan6
(Eng.) used to describe someone who keeps looking at the television while eating; literally, to eat rice by adding television sauce
See also: 添飯 煲仔飯 爛飯 碟飯 粗茶淡飯 蓋飯 裝飯 討飯 豆瓣醬 送飯 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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