
Entry #1
Pronunciation: wun6 waa2
Character Meaning:
to change; to exchange; to barter; to replace
to draw; drawing; picture; painting; video; to paint; to plot; to mark
Part of Speech: verb
  • for a movie theatre to end the run of one movie and begin showing a new one
    (Cant.) gaan1hei3jyun2ji5ging1wun6zo2waa2nei5zung1ji3go2tou3hei3mou5dak1tai2laa3
    (Eng.) The theatre has already ended that movie's run. You can't see it there anymore.

  • to change or "go through" boyfriends or girlfriends
    (Cant.) si1lam4jat1go3jyut6wun6saam1go3naam4pang4jau5wun6waa2jyu4wun6saam1
    (Eng.) Celine goes through three boyfriends a month. She changes boyfriends like she changes clothes.

See also: 如詩如畫 巧奪天工 成人之美 抽象畫 洗盡鉛華 破鏡重圓 翻箱倒籠 貌美如花 返老還童 送舊迎新 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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