
Entry #1
Pronunciation: caap3 baan1 sang1
Character Meaning:
to insert; to thrust; to put in; to stick in; to add; to place between; to join; to reprimand; to scold; to admonish; to chastize; to drop in price
class; group; (military) squad; to assemble; to recruit; to call together; run; flight; shift; duty
raw; to give birth; uncooked; alive; Mr.; life; birth; grow; learner; to give birth to; to bear; to grow up; to grow; to cause; to give rise to
Part of Speech: noun
intermediately admitted student; transfer student (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) caap3baan1sang1san1cing2
(Eng.) application for intermediate admission
See also: 得饒人處且饒人 惡向膽邊生 橫刀奪愛 生人霸死地 男女授受不親 童養媳 素昧平生 老眼昏花 重色輕友 鬼迷心竅 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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