
Entry #1
Pronunciation: taam3 can1
Character Meaning:
to try to find out; to visit; to pay a call; to explore; to find out
parent; dear; whenever; related by birth; in person; personally; relative; dad, mum; to kiss
Part of Speech: verb
to go out-of-town or return to one's home town or ancestral home to pay a visit to one's family or relatives
(Cant.) heoi3mei5gwok3taam3can1
(Eng.) to visit one's family in the United States
See also: 人生路不熟 公幹 坐飛機 奔喪 工幹 度蜜月 探班 衣錦還鄉 遠房親戚 離鄉別井 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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