
Entry #1
Pronunciation: paai4 deoi2
Character Meaning:
raft; align; to arrange; to put in order; to rank; to practice; to discharge; to eject; to release; row; rank; line; platoon; mountain; slope; short for rib bones
team; a team of; a group of; queue; line; to jab; to insert; to stab; to binge
Part of Speech: verb
  • to queue up
    (Cant.) paai4deoi2maai5fei1
    (Eng.) to queue up to buy tickets
    (Cant.) hai2ni1dou6paai4deoi2
    (Eng.) to line up here
    (Cant.) hou2do1jan4paai4deoi2
    (Eng.) a lot of people on the line
    (Cant.) paai4zo2hou2noi6deoi2
    (Eng.) to be on the queue for a long while

  • to line up; to assemble in a single file
    (Cant.) cing2daai6gaa1gwo3faan1lei4paai4deoi2dang2ngo5dim2cai4jan4sou3zau6ho2ji5ceot1faat3
    (Eng.) Can you please line up over here, we will set out after I finished the head count.

See also: 羅列 人山人海 人頭湧湧 人龍 打蛇餅 捧餐 排排坐 排長龍 等候 趕時間 開餐 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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