
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ziu1 zi3
Character Meaning:
provoke; method; move; blow; master blow; trick; hoax; to attract sth bad; to incur; to court; to beckon; to wave; to recruit; to enlist; to confess
to deliver; to send; to cause; to incur; to achieve; to reach; to devote to; to concentrate on
Part of Speech: verb
to bring about a negative consequence; to lead to something bad
(Cant.) ziu1zi3ji3ngoi6ge3syun2sat1
(Eng.) to bring about an unexpected loss
(Cant.) ziu1zi3saat3san1zi1wo6
(Eng.) to get killed
See also: 動輒得咎 因小失大 導致 弄巧反拙 引致 得不償失 招惹 接踵而至 適得其反 隨之而來 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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