
Entry #1
Pronunciation: keoi5 zoi3
Character Meaning:
to resist; to refuse; to decline
to carry; to carry((on a vehicle)); year; to be loaded with
Part of Speech: verb
(usually vehicles that carry passenger, e.g. taxis) to refuse to take passengers
(Cant.) gaa3dik1si2teng1dou2ngo5heoi3dak1kan5zau6keoi5zoi3wo4dang2ngo5daa2din6waa2tau4sou3keoi5sin1
(Eng.) The taxi (driver) refused to take me when he heard that I would go to a place nearby. I will make a call to report him.
See also: 不知者不罪 人贓並獲 作賊心虛 厚此薄彼 多一事不如少一事 惡人先告狀 是可忍孰不可忍 誤中副車 負荊請罪 遇人不淑 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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