
Entry #1
Pronunciation: aat3 sung3
Character Meaning:
to mortgage; to escort; to detain; to remand; to delay; to place a bet; to pledge
to send; to deliver; to carry; to give; to accompany; to escort
Part of Speech: verb
to send goods or criminals under escort; to escort
(Cant.) bou2on1jan4jyun4aat3sung3zyu1bou2tou4zung1jyu6dou3ce1wo6
(Eng.) While the security was escorting the jewellery, there was a traffic accident.
(Cant.) go3zoeng1gwan1aat3sung3loeng4cou2heoi3gwan1jing4
(Eng.) The general supervised the transport of supplies to the barracks.
See also: 護送 相送 押解 扣押 押解 接送 相送 護送 趕抵 送殯 送行 送還 遣送 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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