
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tau4 piu3
Character Meaning:
to throw; to vote; to send; to deliver; to submit; to contribute; to enter a bid; to hurl
ticket; cheque
Part of Speech: verb
to cast a vote; to vote
(Cant.) 投票率tau4 piu3 leot2
(Eng.) voter turnout rate
(Cant.) tau4piu3faan2deoi3
(Eng.) to vote against
(Cant.) ting1jat6zau6hai6laap6faat3wui2syun2geoi2ge3daai6jat6zi2daai6gaa1gei3dak1heoi3tau4piu3aa3
(Eng.) The legislative council election will be held tomorrow. Remember to cast your vote!
See also: 投 選票 候選人 做票 入票 唱票 彈票 撕票 監票 補票 觀選 開票 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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