
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jik1 wat1
Character Meaning:
to restrain; to curb; depressed
depressed; gloomy; dispirited; lush; flourishing
Part of Speech: adjective
  • depressed; gloomy
    (Cant.) keoi5tung4neoi5pang4jau5fan1sau2jik1wat1zo2gei2go3jyut6
    (Eng.) He broke up with his girlfriend and has been depressed for a few months.

  • having signs of depression, or having depression
    (Cant.) keoi5zi1cin4bei2ji1sang1waa6jik1wat1jiu3sik6joek6tung4tai2sam1lei5hok6gaa1
    (Eng.) She was diagnosed with depression by a doctor earlier and needs to take medications and see a psychologist.

Synonym: Synonym: 憂鬱
See also: 心噏 陰沉 盆地 抑鬱症 鬱 沉 強迫症 心絞痛 憂鬱 焦慮 焦慮症 精神分裂 精神失常 精神病 躁鬱 躁鬱症 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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