
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daa2 fei1 gei1
Character Meaning:
to hit; dozen; to beat; to strike; to knock; to shoot; to compete with; to fight against; to go up against; to whisk; to inject; to load; to fill with; to tie; to knot; to "check off"; to get; to seize; to catch; to hunt; to work; to strive; to think; to concentrate; to count
to fly; hooligan; hoodlum; to float; to travel by plane; to throw; to toss; to fling; to skip; to remove; to dump someone; ticket
machine; aircraft; aeroplane; chance; opportunity
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Obsolete
  • to shoot down aeroplanes

  • (football) to miss an easy shot that the ball flies over the goalpost
    (Cant.) gam3kan5dou1ho2ji5daa2fei1gei1
    (Eng.) How can you miss when the goalpost is right in front of you?

See also: 傻瓜機 左擁右抱 打乞嗤 打樁機 打茄輪 打落水狗 打邊鼓 捉蟲入屎忽 白痴仔 自我感覺良好 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: daa2 fei1 gei1
Character Meaning:
to hit; dozen; to beat; to strike; to knock; to shoot; to compete with; to fight against; to go up against; to whisk; to inject; to load; to fill with; to tie; to knot; to "check off"; to get; to seize; to catch; to hunt; to work; to strive; to think; to concentrate; to count
to fly; hooligan; hoodlum; to float; to travel by plane; to throw; to toss; to fling; to skip; to remove; to dump someone; ticket
machine; aircraft; aeroplane; chance; opportunity
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Slang
to do something solely for the feel-good feeling; to have self-complacency (through self-deception)
(Cant.) ling1zyu6zoeng1zi6gei2jan4zou6ge3man4調tiu4zau6daa2saai3fei1gei1ji5wai4zi6gei2zan1hai6paai4dai6ji6
(Eng.) They patted their own back for ranking second in an opinion poll they conducted themselves.
See also: 自滿 沾沾 傻瓜機 左擁右抱 打乞嗤 打樁機 打茄輪 打落水狗 打邊鼓 捉蟲入屎忽 白痴仔 自我感覺良好 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: daa2 fei1 gei1
Character Meaning:
to hit; dozen; to beat; to strike; to knock; to shoot; to compete with; to fight against; to go up against; to whisk; to inject; to load; to fill with; to tie; to knot; to "check off"; to get; to seize; to catch; to hunt; to work; to strive; to think; to concentrate; to count
to fly; hooligan; hoodlum; to float; to travel by plane; to throw; to toss; to fling; to skip; to remove; to dump someone; ticket
machine; aircraft; aeroplane; chance; opportunity
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Slang The Vices
to jerk off; for a male to masturbate; literally "to hit aeroplane"
(Cant.) ngo5cam4jat6daa2fei1gei1bei2sai3mui2gin3dou2
(Eng.) My sister caught me masturbating yesterday.
Synonym: Synonym: 打J
See also: 打個靚芡 仆街 契弟 傻瓜機 左擁右抱 打乞嗤 打樁機 打茄輪 打落水狗 打邊鼓 捉蟲入屎忽 白痴仔 自我感覺良好 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License