
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daa2 gun1 si1
Character Meaning:
to hit; dozen; to beat; to strike; to knock; to shoot; to compete with; to fight against; to go up against; to whisk; to inject; to load; to fill with; to tie; to knot; to "check off"; to get; to seize; to catch; to hunt; to work; to strive; to think; to concentrate; to count
bureaucrat; government official; government; judge; judicial officer

Part of Speech: verb
to go to court; to bring a lawsuit
(Cant.) hai2hoeng1gong2daa2gun1si1fai3jung6pong4daai6syu1zo2ge3waa2ceoi4si4wui5po3caan2
(Eng.) It is very expensive to bring a case to court, once one loses the case, they can easily go bankrupt.
See also: 傾家蕩產 對簿公堂 打大交 打龍通 據理力爭 窮追猛打 討回公道 賠了夫人又折兵 輸打贏要 連本帶利 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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