
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sau2 tai4 din6 waa2
Character Meaning:
hand; forelimb; lot
to remind; to carry; to lift; to raise; to mention; to bring up; to clue; to draw; to extract
electricity; battery; telephone; telegram; telegraph
to say; to talk; to tell; to scold mildly; to blame; to opine; to think; to consider; to feel that; speech
Part of Speech: noun
mobile phone (measure word: 部)
(Cant.) ngo5bou6sau2tai4din6waa2taai3gau6laa3lin4mong5dou1mou5dak1soeng5ngo5soeng2wun6gwo3bou6
(Eng.) My mobile phone is old. It cannot even connect to the internet. I'd like to have a new one.
Synonym: Synonym: 手提 手機
See also: 流動電話 手電 手提
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