
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sau2 faai3 jau5 sau2 maan6 mou5
Character Meaning:
hand; forelimb; lot
fast; quick; rapid; soon; shortly; happy; content
to have; have; to be made up of; to own; to exist; can be found; there is/are
hand; forelimb; lot
don't have; no big deal; nothing important; do not; there is/are not; to not exist; to not be related; to not have; to not own; to not possess
Part of Speech: expression
'grab it fast while it lasts'; a stock phrase commonly yelled by street vendors to attract customers; literally "hands that are fast gets it; hands that are slow won't"
(Cant.) maai4lai4tai2maai4lai4gaan2sau2faai3jau5sau2maan6mou5
(Eng.) Come, come! Grab it fast while it lasts!
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