
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daai3 zeoi6 laap6 gung1
Character Meaning:
put on((hat,scarf,glasses)); to wear; to put on
crime; guilt; wrongdoing; sin; suffering; hardship
to stand; to be upright; to be vertical; to be erect; immediate; instantaneous; to found; to set up
achievement; work; (physics) work; a merit; an accomplishment; efficacy; result; effort; skill
Part of Speech: verb
to redeem oneself; to offset one's guilt with merit
(Cant.) seoi1jin4soeng6ci3ngo5leoi6deoi6bo1syu1zo2daan6hai6ngo5hei1mong6nei5bei2ci3gei1wui6ngo5daai3zeoi6laap6gung1
(Eng.) The defeat in the last match is all my fault. I hope you can give me a chance to redeem myself in the next match.
See also: 摱 兑換 贖
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