
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hei3 paang4
Character Meaning:
play; show; performance
shed; canopy; awning; shack
Part of Speech: noun
wooden or bamboo theatre, temporarily built for performing opera performances as religious rituals (measure word: 個 / 座)
(Cant.) hei3paang4daap3gin3gei6ngai6
(Eng.) bamboo theatre building technique
(Cant.) ji4gaa1ge3hei3paang4zyu2jiu3jau4zuk1caam3kau3sing4loeng4cyu5tung4kwaang1gaa2ji5san1tit3pin2zou6deng2
(Eng.) In bamboo theatres nowadays, bamboo poles and fir beams are erected as standards and ledgers to form frameworks, with metal sheets are covered.
See also: 天棚 太平清醮 布袋戲 戲寶 戲玉 折子戲 搭棚 木偶戲 竹棚 花棚 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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