
Entry #1
Pronunciation: taai3 dou6
Character Meaning:
form; condition; state
place; to measure; degree; to devise; to work out; to ponder; spot; boundaries; standard; limit; consideration; appearance; tolerance; approximately; about; around; 1kl of water usage
Part of Speech: noun
(Cant.) taai3dou6jing6zan1
(Eng.) having good work ethics; literally, serious attitude
(Cant.) keoi5hou2滿mun5ji3ngo5ge3gung1zok3taai3dou6
(Eng.) He is satisfied with my work attitude.
(Cant.) di1zik1jyun4taai3dou6maa4maa2lo1
(Eng.) The staff were not very nice.
(Cant.) tung4jan4gong2je5taai3dou6jiu3hou2di1
(Eng.) We should have a good attitude when we talk with others.
See also: 取態 心態 身段 姿態 不亢不卑 作風 價值觀 取態 姿態 實事求是 心態 愛理不理 自我中心 雙重標準 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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