
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ji3 mei6
Character Meaning:
meaning; idea; wish; desire; intention
taste; smell; to be underwater; to dive; flavour; odour; aroma; perception; impression; style; implication; connotation; feeling; emotion
Part of Speech: verb
to mean; to imply
(Cant.) gam1ci3wui6ji5soeng1fong1ge3lou5baan2dou1m4ceot1zik6ji3mei6zyu6keoi5dei6ge3hap6zok3ceot1zo2man6tai4
(Eng.) The bosses of the two companies were absent in this conference. It implied that there was a problem in their cooperation.
See also: 隱含 等於 講説話 含意 寓意 弦外之音 換句話説 換言之 時代感 由此可見 言下之意 言外之意 醋意 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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