
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jyun3 jin4
Character Meaning:
hatred; to resent; to be upset with
speech; word; to say; to talk; to speak
Part of Speech: noun
complaint; disgruntlement; discontent (measure word: 句)
(Cant.) keoi5wai6zo2tau4gaa1jat6zou6je6zou6jat1geoi3jyun3jin4dou1mou5
(Eng.) He works day and night for the family. But he never complains.
(Cant.) keoi5ci3ci3heoi3jyun4leoi5hang4dou1wui5deoi3leoi5bun6hou2do1jyun3jin4ngo5giu3keoi5bat1jyu4jat1go3jan2heoi3leoi5hang4syun3laa1
(Eng.) He always complains about his travel partner after a trip. I told him to travel alone next time.
See also: 暗啞抵 投訴 狀 閒話 不瞅不睬 冷嘲熱諷 冷言冷語 唉聲嘆氣 埋怨 宿怨 微言 抱怨 責罵 閒言閒語 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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