
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gap1
Part of Speech: adjective
  • urgent; pressing
    (Cant.) 緊急gan2 gap1
    (Eng.) urgent
    (Cant.) 急事gap1 si6
    (Eng.) urgent matter
    (Cant.) ni1daan1je5hou2gap1me1dim2gaai2bun3je6saam1gaang1daa2lei4wan2ngo5
    (Eng.) Is this matter very urgent? Is that why you called me at midnight?

  • fast; rapid; violent; strong
    (Cant.) seoi2lau4hou2gap1
    (Eng.) The current is very strong.

  • to urgently need to use the washroom; to urgently need to go to the toilet; to urgently need to relieve oneself
    (Cant.) ngo5hou2gap1aa3nei5faai3di1ceot1lei4bei2ngo5jung6ci3so2
    (Eng.) I urgently need to use the restroom! Please come out right away!

See also: 緩 緊急 迫 急切 報界 禁食 練仙 光速 迅速 急劇 急促 瀧 凶 暴 狂 暴力
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