
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fat1 jin4
Character Meaning:
sudden; to overlook; to miss; to neglect; to become crazy; to become unhinged; small piece; patch; place; location; part
yet; but; however; nevertheless
Part of Speech: adverb
suddenly; abruptly; all of a sudden
(Cant.) keoi5fat1jin4daa2zo2go3daai6hat1ci1haak3can1zak1bin1di1jan4
(Eng.) He made a big sneeze suddenly and made everyone nearly fall off their chairs.
(Cant.) keoi5fat1jin4zau2zo2mou5jan4zi1keoi5heoi3zo2bin1
(Eng.) He went suddenly that no one knows his whereabouts.
Synonym: Synonym: 忽然間 突然 突然間
See also: 無端端 突然間 無端白事 突 無啦啦 一時之間 無神神 突然 一嘢 忽而 忿然 恍然 突然 突然間 霎時 頓時 頓然 驀然 驟然 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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