
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sam1 hon4
Character Meaning:
heart; centre; core; personality; mind; feeling; intention; affection; love; mind, attention; "heart" shape
cold; chilly; frightened; scared; uneasy
Part of Speech: adjective
  • frightened; terrified
    (Cant.) nei5gong2go2di1je5zan1hai6ling6jan4sam1hon4
    (Eng.) What you've said is really terrifying.

  • bitterly disappointed
    (Cant.) faat3zo2daat6zau6m4jing6bong1gwo3keoi5ge3pang4jau5zan1hai6ling6jan4sam1hon4
    (Eng.) Once he became rich, he pretended not to know his friends who had helped him. How disappointing!

See also: 嚇親 慌張 驚嚇 嚇到標屎 驚恐 懾 恐 得人驚 可怖 不寒而慄 哭笑不得 嘔心 心噏 心涼 心痛 心酸 心驚膽跳 心驚膽顫 毛骨悚然 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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