
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sam1 daai6 sam1 sai3
Character Meaning:
heart; centre; core; personality; mind; feeling; intention; affection; love; mind, attention; "heart" shape
big; to grow up; to intimidate; to bluff; intensely; greatly; fully; on a large scale; number two; university; large; old in age; older; senior
heart; centre; core; personality; mind; feeling; intention; affection; love; mind, attention; "heart" shape
small; tiny; little; young; youthful; weak; soft; junior
Part of Speech: adjective
indecisive; undecided; vacillating; literally: heart big heart small
(Cant.) keoi5sam1daai6sam1sai3m4zi1gaan2mat1je5hou2
(Eng.) He's so indecisive on what to choose.
Synonym: Synonym: 十五十六
See also: 婆婆媽媽 優柔寡斷 婆媽 拖泥帶水
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