
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hau6 ging3
Character Meaning:
back; after; behind; rear; last; afterwards; later; post-
superb; strength; very good; strong; excellent; great; very; extremely; vigor; vitality; aura
Part of Speech: noun
reserved strength; stamina (measure word: 股)
(Cant.) hau6ging3bat1gai3
(Eng.) to run out of energy in the middle
(Cant.) ni1deoi6kau4deoi2ge3hau6ging3ling4lai6zung1jyu1ho2ji5faan2baai6wai4sing3
(Eng.) Having strong delayed power, this (ball game) team finally turned defeat into victory.
See also: 韌力 體能 耐力 一鼓作氣 力大無窮 勢如破竹 大將之風 後來居上 後起之秀 氣勢如虹 漸入佳境 無以為繼 爆發力 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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