
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dai6 hing1
Character Meaning:
younger brother
elder brother
Part of Speech: noun
brethren; originally used to refer to men who are close friends, now commonly used among Christians to refer to other fellow male believers (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) 弟兄姊妹dai6 hing1 zi2 mui6
(Eng.) brethren and sistren
(Cant.) can4daai6man4dai6hing1
(Eng.) Brother Tai Ming Chan
(Cant.) ngo5dai6si4git3fan1dou1soeng2wan2faan1zyu2noi6dai6hing1
(Eng.) When I get married in the future, I want to look for a brother in Christ.
See also: 同道中人 基督徒 堂兄弟 弟婦 情同手足 教友 耶青 良師益友 阿們 靈恩派 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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