
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jan5 jan4 jap6 sing3
Character Meaning:
to induce; to attract; to quote; to cite
human; human being; person; people; personality; everybody; (some) people; others; somebody; body of a person
to enter; to go into; to be admitted into; to join; to participate; to buy; to stock up on; to conform to; to agree with
win; to bear; can afford; can bear; all; to win; to surpass
Part of Speech: adjective
(of scenery, literary works) fascinating; enchanting; bewitching
(Cant.) ni1bun2syu1jan5jan4jap6sing3duk6ze2go3go3dou1tai2dou3m4hang2fong3sau2
(Eng.) The book is so fascinating that those who started reading wouldn’t want to put it down.
See also: 吸引 著迷 吸引 醉人 奇妙 嫵媚 傾國傾城 迷 迷惑
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