
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gwong2 wai4
Character Meaning:
wide; broad; spacious; extensive; many; to a great extent; to broadcast; to propagate
to act as; to be; in order to; to become; for; for the sake of; for the purpose of; because of; to do; to practice; to act
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: verb
to be widely/generally ... (passive)
(Cant.) gwong2wai4jan4zi1
(Eng.) to be widespread among people
(Cant.) gwong2wai4lau4cyun4
(Eng.) to be widespread
(Cant.) gwong2wai4cyun4zung6
(Eng.) to be vastly spread and praised
(Cant.) gwong2wai4zip3sau6
(Eng.) to be widely accepted
(Cant.) gwong2wai4si5man4jing6tung4
(Eng.) to be generally agreed by citizens
See also: 一舉成名 傳播媒介 公之於世 廣泛 引人注目 應運而生 比比皆是 發揚光大 耳熟能詳 舉世聞名 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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