
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dou6 sou3
Character Meaning:
place; to measure; degree; standard; limit; consideration; appearance; tolerance; approximately; about; around; spot; boundaries; to devise; to work out; to ponder; 1kl of water usage
to count; number; figure; debt; amount of money; sum; mathematics; to enumerate; to list
Part of Speech: noun
(of measurement) reading; number of degrees (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) zi1taam3jit6zam1hin2si6mat1je5dou6sou3aa3
(Eng.) What does the thermometer read?
(Cant.) ngo5gan6si6dou6sou3hou2sam1
(Eng.) I am nearsighted with many diopters.
See also: 讀數 參 閲讀 睇書 閲 查閲 偶數 剃度 序數 感光度 拗數 血壓計 賒數 酸鹼度 除數 體温計 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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