
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ping4 zing6
Character Meaning:
cheap; flat; at a low price; at a bargain price; level; even
quiet; silent; calm; not crowded
Part of Speech: adjective
  • (of waters) calm; tranquil
    (Cant.) hoi2min6soeng1dong1ping4zing6
    (Eng.) The surface of the sea is fairly calm.

  • (of mood or emotions) calm
    (Cant.) dang2keoi5sam1cing4ping4zing6faan1lok6lai4nei5sin1zoi3tung4keoi5gaai2sik1cing1co2laa1
    (Eng.) You'd better explain clearly again to him after he gets calm.

See also: 鎮 平息 沉着 安寧 幽靜 寧 安靜 寧靜 平和 平淡 幽靜 恬靜 沉靜 淡靜 鎮靜 風平浪靜 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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