
Entry #1
Pronunciation: soeng4 sik1
Character Meaning:
often; frequently; usually; regular; usual; habitual; frequent; constant; invariable; common; ordinary; normal; standard
to know; to know someone; knowledge; insight; vision
Part of Speech: noun
  • basic knowledge on a certain topic
    (Cant.) wai6sang1soeng4sik1
    (Eng.) hygiene ABC's
    (Cant.) hei3zoeng6soeng4sik1
    (Eng.) general knowledge about weather
    (Cant.) mui5go3jan4dou1jiu3jau5wai6sang1soeng4sik1
    (Eng.) Everyone should have the basic acknowledgement of hygiene.

  • common sense
    (Cant.) m4hou2bei2di1sai3lou6dim3dou2di1joek6hai6soeng4sik1
    (Eng.) It's common sense to keep medicines away from children.
    (Cant.) jau5siu2siu2soeng4sik1ge3jan4dou1m4wui5wai3zyu1gu1lik1bei2gau2sik6laa1haa6waa5
    (Eng.) Anyone with half a brain wouldn't feed chocolate to dogs. It's not rocket science, is it?

  • general studies, one of the four main subjects in Hong Kong primary schools which focuses on knowledge and skills in daily life and includes aspects such as health, environment, technology, etc.
    (Cant.) siu2hok6soeng4sik1fo1
    (Eng.) General Studies in primary schools

See also: sense common sense 常理 一知半解 一般見識 不學無術 不求甚解 常理 理所當然 習以為常 習非成是 自知之明 邏輯 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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