
Entry #1
Pronunciation: daai3 bo1
Character Meaning:
carry, bring; to bring; to carry; climatic zone; region; area; ribbon; band)
ball; wave; a ball; a spherical object; transmission; boobs; (of water) waves; ripples; (physics) wave; dance
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Jargon
(of ballgames such as football and basketball) to do dribbling (i.e. moving while keeping the ball by one's side)
(Cant.) ni1go3kau4jyun4ho2ji5hou2ci1goek3gam2daai3bo1hou2lai6hoi6
(Eng.) This player can keep the ball very closely to his feet while dribbling, brilliant.
See also: 傳波 出波 打茅波 扭波 拋波 揸波 落波 轉波 高波 鬥波 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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