
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zo2 jau2
Character Meaning:
left; left (direction); political left
right; right (direction); political right
Part of Speech: adverb
about; approximately; used after the relevant amount and entity
(Cant.) luk6dim2bun3zo2jau2
(Eng.) about half past six
(Cant.) ngo5san1gou1jat1mai1cat1zo2jau2
(Eng.) My height is approximately 1.7m.
(Cant.) ji6jyut6廿jaa6cat1zo2jau2zoi3tung1zi1nei5
(Eng.) I will notify you again around February 27th.
(Cant.) keoi5ji6sap6seoi3zo2jau2
(Eng.) He is about twenty years old.
(Cant.) keoi5kam4maan5sap6ji6dim2zo2jau2faan1uk1kei2
(Eng.) She went home at around twelve last night.
(Cant.) fo3ce1soeng6min6jau5saam1sap6soeng1fo3zo2jau2
(Eng.) There are approximately thirty boxes of goods on the truck.
See also: 關於 大約 上下 估計 約數 約莫 大致上 粗略 上下 上吐下瀉 上鍊 前後腳 四捨五入 大概 大約 差不多 挨近 頭重腳輕 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: zo2 jau6
Character Meaning:
left; left (direction); political left
right; right (direction); political right
Part of Speech: noun
  • left and right; both sides
    (Cant.) zo2jau6loeng5bin1
    (Eng.) both left and right sides
    (Cant.) zo2jau6wai4naan4
    (Eng.) in a dilemma

  • (of politics) left wing and right wing
    (Cant.) zo2jau6zi1zang1
    (Eng.) conflict between the left and the right

See also: 兩旁 雙方 上下 上吐下瀉 上鍊 前後腳 四捨五入 大概 大約 差不多 挨近 頭重腳輕 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #3
Pronunciation: zo2 jau6
Character Meaning:
left; left (direction); political left
right; right (direction); political right
Part of Speech: verb
to influence; to control
(Cant.) zo2jau6daai6guk6
(Eng.) to influence the situation
(Cant.) mou5jan4zo2jau6dou2keoi5ge3kyut3ding6
(Eng.) Nobody can influence his decisions.
See also: 感染 影響 染 影響 掌 操縱 操作 上下 上吐下瀉 上鍊 前後腳 四捨五入 大概 大約 差不多 挨近 頭重腳輕 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License