
Entry #1
Pronunciation: siu2 sam1 jik6 jik6
Character Meaning:
small; primary school; elementary school; little; lesser; minor
heart; centre; core; personality; mind; feeling; intention; affection; love; mind, attention; "heart" shape
wing; wing of an animal; side, flank of army
wing; wing of an animal; side, flank of army
Part of Speech: adjective
with the utmost care; very cautiously
(Cant.) keoi5siu2sam1jik6jik6gam2zoeng1go3faa1zeon1fong3jap6go3hap2dou6
(Eng.) He put the vase in a box with the utmost care.
(Cant.) BBbi4 bi1fan3zoek6zo2aa3zou2geng1cou4seng2BBbi4 bi1so2ji5zau6haang4dak1hou2siu2sam1jik6jik6
(Eng.) The baby is asleep and Joe is afraid to wake the baby up, so he walks very cautiously so as not to make any noise.
See also: 睇實 步步為營 好聲
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