
Entry #1
Pronunciation: siu2 hok6 gai1
Character Meaning:
small; primary school; elementary school; little; lesser; minor
study; subject of study; branch of learning; discipline; school; to learn; to study; to imitate; to mimic
chicken; a whistle
Variants: Variants: 小學
Part of Speech: noun, adjective
a playful word for 'primary school student'; also used to refer to immature people who act like primary school students; literally 'primary school chick' (measure word: 隻)
(Cant.) mat1ji4gaa1fong3hok6si4gaan3me1gam3do1siu2hok6gai1gwo3maa5lou6ge2
(Eng.) Did school just let out? Why are there so many schoolkids crossing the road?
(Cant.) dim2gaai2nei5juk1di1zau6tung4jan4cou4gaau1hou2siu2hok6gai1aa3
(Eng.) Why do you always argue with people pointlessly? You're acting like a child.
(Cant.) nei5ho2m4ho2ji5zing6di1aa3m4hou2seng4zek3siu2hok6gai1gam2joeng2laa1
(Eng.) Can't you be quiet? Don't be a baby.
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