
Entry #1
Pronunciation: deoi3 zoeng6
Character Meaning:
pair; towards; correct; right; couplet; opposing; on the other side; to go against; to oppose; versus; to check; to proofread; as for; with regard to; in connection with
elephant; to imitate; shape; image
Part of Speech: noun
  • target; object (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) ni1gaan1zau2dim3ge3fuk6mou6deoi3zoeng6hai6ngoi6gwok3jan4
    (Eng.) The target customers of this hotel are foreigners.

  • potential mate
    (Cant.) nei5jau5deoi3zoeng6mei6aa3
    (Eng.) Do you have a love interest yet?

See also: target 對準 鎖定 target 賓語 物件 客觀 事實上 以貌取人 切入點 受害者 叛教者 圈外人 性工作者 意中人 普羅大眾 經手人 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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