
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gei3
Part of Speech: verb
to send; to mail; to post; to transmit
(Cant.) heoi3jau4guk2gei3seon3
(Eng.) to mail a letter at the post office
(Cant.) gei3din6jau4
(Eng.) to send an email
(Cant.) bun2syu1ngo5gei3zo2laa3
(Eng.) I have sent the book.
See also: 致 遣 派遣 send 郵寄 po 轉發 傳送
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: gei3
Part of Speech: morpheme
  • entrust; deposit; place
    (Cant.) gei3jyu5
    (Eng.) to send a message
    (Cant.) pang4go1gei3ji3
    (Eng.) to express feelings through songs
    (Cant.) 寄予gei3 jyu5hau5mong6
    (Eng.) to place a high expectation
    (Cant.) 寄託gei3 tok3
    (Eng.) to entrust to the care of somebody; to leave something/somebody with a person
    (Cant.) gei3cing4
    (Eng.) to place one's emotions

  • to depend on; to attach oneself to
    (Cant.) 寄人籬下gei3 jan4 lei4 haa6
    (Eng.) to live under somebody's roof
    (Cant.) 寄居gei3 geoi1
    (Eng.) to live away from home; to reside in a temporary residence

See also: 託 交託 入數 寄存 置 竇口 名次 依靠 在 靠 在於
Copyrights:© 2020 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License