
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaa1 hoeng1
Character Meaning:
home; family
countryside; country; rural area; native place; place of origin; hometown
Part of Speech: noun
  • hometown (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) ngo5lou5zo2jat1ding6jiu3faan1heoi3ngo5ge3gaa1hoeng1gaa3
    (Eng.) When I get old, I will definitely return to my native place.

  • figuratively refers to a good's price, which was high when the good was first sold but has since become unreachable due to plunge in price.
    (Cant.) nei5di1fo3gin3dou2gaa1hoeng1mei6
    (Eng.) Has your investment rises back up to your trade price?
    (Cant.) ngo5ling4baat3nin4maai5go2di1gu2piu3dou3gam1jat6zung6mei6gin3dou2gaa1hoeng1aa3
    (Eng.) The stocks I bought in 2008 are now very faraway from their 'home-town'!

Synonym: Synonym: 鄉下
See also: 鄉下 家園 故鄉 四海為家 娘家 故鄉 異鄉 窮鄉僻壤 老家 老鄉 衣錦還鄉 鄉下 離鄉別井 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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