
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaa1 cyun4 wu6 hiu2
Character Meaning:
home; family
pass on; legend; biography; to pass; to pass on; to hand down; to spread; to circulate; to summon
household; door; family; a housing unit
to know; to be able to; to understand
Variants: Variants: 家傳
Part of Speech: adjective
very well-known; usually referring to stories, music, historical figures, products, etc.; literally: known by every family
(Cant.) long4loi4liu5hai6gaa1cyun4wu6hiu2ge3jyu6jin4gu3si6
(Eng.) "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is a fable known in every household.
(Cant.) lo4man4ge3si1zi2saan1haa6hai6jat1sau2gaa1cyun4wu6hiu2ge3go1
(Eng.) "Below the Lion Rock Series" by Roman Tam is a very famous song.
See also: 鮮為人知 有名 出名 大名鼎鼎
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