
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jyun4 sin6
Character Meaning:
finish; to be completed; to come to an end; to be finished
kind; benevolent; philanthropic; good at; apt to; likely to
Part of Speech: verb
to improve; to make perfect
(Cant.) jyun4sin6si5keoi1kwai1waak6
(Eng.) to improve urban planning
(Cant.) hou2do1jau5sam1jan4jyun4sin6faan1tiu4saan1lou6bei2jan4haang4
(Eng.) Many kind-hearted people improved the hiking path for others to walk.
See also: 改進 救 好返 進步 健全 周全 妥善 完備 完整 改進 盡善盡美 與時並進 與時俱進 行之有效 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: jyun4 sin6
Character Meaning:
finish; to be completed; to come to an end; to be finished
kind; benevolent; philanthropic; good at; apt to; likely to
Part of Speech: adjective
perfect (usually about abstract things like method, policies, or programs)
(Cant.) ni1go3fu4pan4fong1on3m4gau3jyun4sin6jing4jin4jau5hou2do1jan4sau6m4dou2wai6
(Eng.) This low-income assistance program is far from perfect. Too many poor folks are still not able to benefit from it.
See also: 美滿 十足 到家 真人 健全 周全 妥善 完備 完整 改進 盡善盡美 與時並進 與時俱進 行之有效 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2021 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License