
Entry #1
Pronunciation: on1 cyun4 daai2
Character Meaning:
safe; settle; to install; to fabricate; peaceful; stable; at ease; to be satisfied; to feel contented; ounce
whole; complete; entire; full; all
carry, bring; to bring; to carry; climatic zone; region; area; ribbon; band)
Part of Speech: noun
seat belt; safety belt (measure word: 條)
(Cant.) mou4leon6hai6si1gei1ding6hai6sing4haak3dou1jiu3pui3daai3on1cyun4daai2
(Eng.) No matter whether one is a driver or a passenger, one should fasten the seat belt.
See also: cam帶 腰帶 以策安全 保姆車 安全套 安全島 安全帽 安全期 安全鞋 履帶 平光眼鏡 扣針 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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