
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hou2 ji3
Character Meaning:
very; good; like; to like; to be fond of; to be interested in; sure; quite; fine; kind; friendly; to get well; easy to; good for; suitable for
meaning; idea; wish; desire; intention
Part of Speech: noun
good intention; kindness (measure word: 番)
(Cant.) nei5aa3maa1dou1hai6ceot1jyu1jat1faan1hou2ji5sin1zi3naau6nei5
(Eng.) Your mother scolded you out of good will.
See also: 善意 恩情 愛心 慈 好人 借意 意頭 打主意 會意 會錯意 真心真意 真心話 着意 醋意 順意 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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