
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gaap3 sau2 gaap3 goek3
Character Meaning:
clip((Hair, paper); to press((from both sides)); and also; as well as; clip; to cooperate; to discuss; to collaborate; well-matched
hand; forelimb; lot
clip((Hair, paper); to press((from both sides)); and also; as well as; clip; to cooperate; to discuss; to collaborate; well-matched
foot, leg; leg; base
Part of Speech: verb
to work jointly, together; to cooperate; to work with concerted efforts
(Cant.) daai6gaa1gaap3sau2gaap3goek3zoeng1di1hang4lei5bun1soeng5ce1sin1
(Eng.) Let's put the luggage onto the car together.
(Cant.) keoi5dei6gaap3sau2gaap3goek3hou2faai3zau6dap6hou2fan6PowerPointpowerpoint
(Eng.) They cooperated that they got the PowerPoint slides done swiftly.
See also: 拍住上 夾 協作
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