
Entry #1
Pronunciation: taai3 ping4 cing1 ziu3
Character Meaning:
too; very; excessively; Mrs.
cheap; flat; at a low price; at a bargain price; level; even
clear; to clean; pure; simple; (of food) light; plain; not greasy; completely; thoroughly; to deplete; to use up; to finish up; to empty; to remove; the Qing Dynasty

Part of Speech: noun
Tai Ping Ching Chiu, a set of Taoist rituals for thanking deities and asking peace and rest in the community held in a certain cycle (measure word: 次 / 屆)
(Cant.) coeng4zau1taai3ping4cing1ziu3
(Eng.) Cheung Chau Jiao Festival
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