
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tin1 kiu4
Character Meaning:
sky; day; 24 hours
bridge; plan; idea; plot of a story; by chance; coincidental
Part of Speech: noun
  • flyover; footbridge (measure word: 條)
    (Cant.) 行人天橋hang4 jan4 tin1 kiu4
    (Eng.) footbridge; skyway; elevated walkway
    (Cant.) cyun4waan1ge3tin1kiu4hai6tung2fei1soeng4jyun4sin6sei3tung1baat3daat6dak1lai4jau6m4wui5co3zung1fuk1zaap6
    (Eng.) The footbridge system in Tsuen Wan is very well formed—accessible enough to all directions, while not too complex.

  • runway; catwalk
    (Cant.) 行天橋haang4 tin1 kiu4
    (Eng.) to do the catwalk; to be in a runway show

See also: 鵝頸橋 行人天橋 行天橋 十字路口 吊橋 巴士站 扶手電梯 斜拉橋 橋底 行人路 行人道 隧道 鵝頸橋 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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