
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tin1 dei6 tong4
Character Meaning:
sky; day; 24 hours
land; -ly; ground; field; floor; place; locality; area
class((as in Maths class, science class)); class; lesson; room; hall; a large room; court of law; female
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Recent Jargon Jargon
(university student slang) to have a class in the early morning and then to have to wait for the next class in the late afternoon, literally "sky and earth lessons"
(Cant.) ngo5ning4jyun2san4cyu5jau5day offdei1 of1dou1hou2gwo3ngaang6sik6tin1dei6tong4
(Eng.) I would rather have a tight schedule from day to night with at least a day off, than have to attend classes separately in the early morning and the late afternoon.
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