
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tin1 gung1 bat1 zou6 mei5
Character Meaning:
sky; day; 24 hours
public; shared; governmental; (of animals) male; obverse; mother's father; old man
no; negator; not
make; to build; to create; to invent; to cook up; to fabricate; to train; to cultivate
beautiful; beauty; pretty; good-looking; good; fine; very satisfactory
Part of Speech: expression
the weather is not as expected; literally, the heaven is not cooperative
(Cant.) ngo5jat1fong3gaa3zau6lok6jyu5zan1hai6tin1gung1bat1zou6mei5laak3
(Eng.) As soon as I take a holiday, it starts raining. The weather is really uncooperative.
Antonym(s): Antonym(s): 天公造美
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